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Consistent results in building balanced financial performance and teams

Appends Consulting aims to deliver bursts of additional capability to your team on an ad-hoc basis. Senior leaders are frequently confronted by events or situations where the existing team are "maxed out" through a lack of capacity or the necessary skills and experience. Someone could step up, but nagging doubts  exist about them being ready and you not wanting to set them up to fail...
Start-up and SME environments in particular are prone to this phenomenon where everyone needs to pitch in and cover multiple roles.
The recruiting dilemma:
Commonly some challenges faced are not genuine strategic issues, but "the tyranny of the urgent" that need to be dealt with but where the business does not need permanent capability in this area. These can be difficult to resource where the temptation all too often is to then employ expensive top talent from larger corporates, who then struggle to make the transition to a SME or once the job is done find themselves under utilised and disengaged.
This is where Appends aims to bring value. These situations can be periods of intense learning for the talent in your business. This differentiates Appends from others, where the goal is to ensure you get the results you need and your team is learning and growing and your delegation options are expanded. 

"I have dedicated more than 20 years to the medical device industry and still see every day as a chance to make a positive difference to someone's life.


The fact that I am a small part of the vast team of people wthin the industry as whole who aim to do the same fills me with renewed commitment to bring my piece to the table."

Capital Raise and Projects

Chief Commercial Officer - BBI Solutions: PE Exit in 2021

Interim Commercial Director Western & Southern Europe - Abbot Rapid Diagnostics

  • Restructured into BUs and integration of acquisition

  • -30% back to positive 20% plus growth in 12 months

Interim Commercial Director Polyphotonics

  • Protected lead investor interests

  • Mediated board agreement to part ways, IP and tag along rights

Interim CEO Ranier Technology 

  • Secured bridging loan within 14 days and then £3.5m further funding

  • Reworked two current products


Interim VP Commercial Operations GC Aesthetics

  • Commercial direction in readiness for IPO

  • Restructured distribution channel in several geographies


VP EMEA - Verathon Medical

  • Restructured commerical organisation delivering 26% revenue growth

  • Restructured supply chain with central EU operations.Turned over 38% of staff and increased language capablity from 2 to 18 languages

  • Operating income increased by 71% and EBITDA by 26%


Investor Readiness / Introduction


  • Numerous assignments in early stage up to series A in medtech, biotech, digital health

  • Investor readiness, network introductions and light first pass DD

  • Business planning, pitch-decks, budgeting

Chair / Board

  • Chaired early stage medtech startup from founding - strategy, product roadmap, funding plan, budget, coach of CEO. No COSEC duties

  • Board of distressedd startup and repositioning of owner / founder


Initiated, sponsored and run multiple projects over the years. Notable among these is:

  • Global CRM sponsor (Microsoft Dynamix), UK implemenation of

  • Recertification of ISO9001 accreditation in 3 of 4 entities reporting to me

  • Estabslished MEA office in UAE

  • EMEA Compensation and benefits

  • Multiple product launches

  • Centralised European supply chain



Over the years I have been privileged to contribute to the careers of others.​


On a daily basis I informally continue to support and coach others

“I look forward to meeting you and your team and helping you define your goals, develop solutions and drive positive change" 

Appends Consulting Ltd Registration number: 09373865 Address: 45 St Lesmo Road, Stockport, SK3 0TX, United Kingdom

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